Pensions & Savings

Retirement Trusts

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The Fairway Jersey Personal Pension Scheme (FJPPS) is the leading personal pension scheme in Jersey and was created to deliver a flexible tax efficient solution to make retirement easier for Jersey residents. 

FJPPS can be used to transfer other approved pension funds including corporate pensions into personal pension plans. As an HMRC approved QROPS, your clients can also use this plan to transfer in pension funds from the UK.

The Fairway Jersey Personal Pension Scheme Key Features:

  • Quick and easy to establish via your appointed Independent Financial Advisor ('IFA').
  • Consolidate other approved pensions to your FJPPS.
  • Provide for retirement by making regular or lump sum payments into your FJPPS.
  • Make the most of annual tax allowances.
  • Take a tax free cash element and draw an income from the age of 50 (or 55 if your FJPPS contains a pension transferred from the UK).
  • Decide how any unused pension is distributed when you pass away.
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Contact the Pensions team

For pension enquiries or for more information please get in touch

Contact us

"The service I receive from Fairway is consistently good and the team is always friendly and efficient when dealing with our instructions.”

Client Relationship Manager

Peter Culnane 2

Peter Culnane .

Director and Head of Pensions


Meet Peter
Nicole Stower

Nicole Stower .

Associate Director, Pensions


Meet Nicole



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21 October 2020

Peter Culnane
Pensions and SavingsNews

International pension and savings products highly commended at International Investment Awards

Fairway Group's Pension and Savings solutions has picked up more honours, this time at the 21st annual II Awards.

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09 March 2022

Pensions and SavingsInsights

Auto-Enrolment: is it inevitable?

Fairway Group's Peter Culnane discusses the challenges that governments around the world are now facing when it comes to funding their citizens in retirement, following the economic impact of COVID.

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24 March 2020

Pensions and SavingsNews

Pension promotions as Fairway Group develops international products

The Pension department of Fairway Group, led by Peter Culnane, has promoted two team members as interest in its international savings product matches its successful local pension suite.

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